Friday, March 17, 2023

《满洲通讯》第一期 (2009)

 注:《满洲通讯》编辑是位懂得俄语和英语的满人,  原文英文(包括翻译文章),现在通过GOOGLE粗浅翻译, 将在未来加以改正。 


《满洲通讯》第一期于 2009 年出版。见下文。

漫长的冬夜(第 1 部分)




我在黑龙江南岸长大,我长大的不是村庄而是蒙古包。正如我所希望的那样,我们团队中的许多人都为帝国打过很多仗。我父亲在土库曼地区和西藏作战多年,我母亲总是很伤心。在我第十六个冬天的时候,一位使者从北京来告诉我们的部落,我们的士兵在战斗中阵亡,帝国需要儿子们。我们年轻人聚集并聚集了周围部落的男人。使者告诉我们两周后在 Haryan 会面,我们将加入我们的旗帜。

我和我的朋友们都很兴奋,因为我们现在可以被称为战士,很快就会成为我们人民的英雄。一周之内,我们聚集了整整 turmen 兄弟,然后我们骑马去了 Haryan。我们所有人都准备好了,我们梦想着等待着我们的荣耀。由于我们非常兴奋,我们骑马两天没有休息,然后在我们旅行的第五天我们到达了哈里安。那是广袤荒原中的一处荒凉之地,城墙上只飘扬着一面深蓝色的丝绸旗帜。然后我们明白,我们正与所有蓝旗中最伟大的战士并肩作战,八旗旗帜下的所有人都感到恐惧和敬畏。但我们的惊喜还没有到来。青旗由七位契丹人的大将控制。



那天晚上,当我们看着退伍军人来回移动时,我们中的许多人无法入睡。也是那天晚上,我们目睹了最壮观的景象。接近虎时,堡垒大门打开,让 20 名身着黑衣的骑手进入。当他们进入时,哈里安的一切都变得寂静无声,就像一切都被冻结并以慢动作移动。








我一直在寻找可以分享我对满洲的感受的人。当我通过一个满洲人小组在 Facebook 上认识 DinoYuri Linda 时,我知道我找到了合适的人交谈。我们都是满洲人,虽然我们生活在世界不同的地方,但我们因为一个共同的目标而团结在一起——我们四个人(我相信会有更多人会效仿)关心我们生活在中共统治下的兄弟姐妹,在非常恶劣的环境中,在某些情况下,作为二等公民。





大约 12 年前,当我问这个问题时,我不知道我确实是白旗满人,直到我的父母告诉我,“我们是满洲人,白旗的后裔。历史就是历史,我们不要管它,电视把满洲人变成坏人,因为它增加了它的趣味性。但我们生活在香港,我们是‘香港人’,我们不用太担心满洲人的问题。”



直到我 12 岁时,我才真正尝试找到解决这个问题的方法,当时香港的课程要求我必须修读一门名为“中国历史”的科目。我出于兴趣阅读了有关满洲人的章节,但读到的内容令人不安,我的第一个想法是——天啊,这本书太有偏见了!然后我尝试利用业余时间进行研究,并在网上找到了一些其他资料。我花了一些时间阅读它们作为一种爱好。我试图让我父亲就我们的满身份进行有意义的讨论,但他一直说:“别担心!继续生活,明智地把时间花在学业上!”显然这失败了,我继续自己的业余活动。


2008 年初,西藏问题在新闻中广为流传,那是北京奥运会召开前几个月的真实时刻。我当时看到的是藏人在汉人吞并的自己的土地上被当作二等公民对待。我很生气;我为自己是“中国人”感到羞耻(我在学校被归类为中国人)。然后我看了有关满洲生活的资料。



译者:Kavajecz Yurhak


起初所有人都被称为人,这就是我们的人的来历。在贝加尔神的水域附近居住着 Nui(狼)人,他们的首领是最强壮的狼,名叫 Balsul。多年来,巴尔苏尔带领他的伟大人民对抗熊族和狐狸族的其他族人。但即使是伟大的战士也会感到疲倦和孤独。然后在红月之年,Balsul 遇到了一位容光焕发的年轻女子,他进入大针叶林寻求慰藉。当他们的目光相遇时,他们坠入爱河,但他们也知道一个痛苦的事实,即他们永远无法以目前的形式结合。因为 Balsul 只不过是一头狼,而这个美丽的女人是伟大的 Baigal 的女儿。


如果他们知道只有大河之神才能听到,他们就会在暗月期间在针叶林深处相遇。你看大河是秘密之神。但随着时间的推移,两人的感情越来越深。直到有一天 Balsul 再也受不了了,来到了贝加尔水域的岸边。 Balsul 在那里整整三天三夜乞求 Baigal 的女儿。


第三天晚上,Baigal 出现在 Balsul 面前说:“你会为我的女儿做些什么,你会付出什么?” Balsul 回来了,“我的生命和我的人民。”贝加尔回答说:“两个月后去阿泰山顶,我们再谈一次。”

那天晚些时候,Baigal 走近他的女儿,“我的花,你真的爱狼 Balsul 吗?” “我做父亲,愿意付出一切与他结合。”她哭了。 “你会放弃你的神格吗?”白加尔问道。 “是的,没有遗憾。如果我爱的人死了,我怎么活?” “我女儿两个月就去阿泰峰的乌尔根斯家。”


在第二个月亮上,女儿和 Balsul 都到达了 Atai 的顶峰,那里聚集了众神 UlgenUmaiErlikBaigal Taiga Baigal 把他的女儿抱在手上,亲吻她的脸颊,然后转向 Balsul 说,“她是你的,请善待她,因为如果你用箭伤害她,Ulgen 会射死你,Umai 永远不会让你重生,而 Erlik 会诅咒的你在冥界。” “是的,我会。” Balsul 谦虚地说。那时众神消失了,女儿留给了她的丈夫。


就像众神与凡人之间的这种婚姻方式一样,当月亮经过它的第一个夜晚时,加入的变化就会发生。但在这种情况下,事情并没有发生在第二天早上,女儿是一个美丽的人类女人,但 Balsul 仍然是一头狼。 Balsul 现在的女儿向她父亲的圣水哭泣,她的眼泪变成了我们的圣河。乌鸦爷爷会听到她的悲伤。乌鸦爷爷是变形之神,但他暂时不会出手,现在还不是时候。


( 第 2 部分将在下一期印刷。)


作者:Kavajecz Yhebira(尤里)


我记得我是在赤塔和俄罗斯伊尔库茨克之间游牧长大的。我的家人总是谈论满方式以及我们如何来自牛呼鲁(狼族)的大家族。我的祖父和叔叔们讲的故事会让我着迷并让我敬畏。在与牛群一起骑行的许多日子里,我会把自己想象成这些失散已久的战士中的一员。但是我祖父讲的一个故事会让我害怕。故事讲的是一个巫师被自己杀死,不是自杀,而是二人一人举弓射击。箭在撞击并杀死之前是看不见的。我很害怕,但我总是安慰自己,因为我知道我的祖父是一个非常强大的萨满祭司。但每次我祖父讲这个故事时,他都会添加更多细节,说明他故事中的萨满是如何纹身的,以及他身上纹的是什么类型的纹身。祖父还解释了这些类型的巫师是如何成为皇帝的巫师和战士的。他们是黑社会神 Erlik Khan 的黑人巫师追随者。


然后在晚上我的梦想成功了,我被带回了一个更古老的时代。有舞蹈和音乐。营地因春天和牲畜的出生而喜出望外。当我走在这个梦中时,我发现我行走的小路上有一根乌鸦的羽毛,颜色那么多,那么美丽。我弯下腰捡起它,当我的手指碰到羽毛时,一个身上有纹身的男人出现在我面前,他只对我说了一个字,“达喀尔”。当我醒来时,我发现祖父站在我身边,祖母把冷湿的毛巾放在我的额头上。我想说话,但我的声音消失了,但我祖父对我点点头,告诉我他知道。我的一位叔叔正在泡上(人参)茶,然后给我喝。我又一次坠入梦境,独自骑马穿越草原。当太阳升到最高点时,我向右看,看到另一个穿着和我一样的骑手。他举起弓箭开了一枪。我没有看到箭头,但我感觉到进入并从我的马上掉了下来。骑手走近,然后我看到了自己的脸。我自杀了,我死后醒来,我明白了我祖父的故事。为了活着,我必须死去并重生。然后我的祖父对我耳语道:“安息吧,孩子,因为你是达喀尔的最后一个人。你会孤身一人,但会把我们人民的精神掌握在你的手中。”  两年后,我的祖父去世了。这本时事通讯和我所做的工作都是为了纪念他。愿他与众神饮酒。


Gurun = 国家

Gisun = 语言

Bithe = 脚本

Mangga = 困难

Niyalma =

Inu =

Gemu = 全部

Ulhimbi = 明白

Sarku = 不知道

Gisurenbi = 说话

Dahame = 因为


特别感谢 Fan Yun TsingScarlette Sheung 和我表妹 Yurhak 的文章。也非常感谢 Kwu Khai Jinlong (Dino) 提供的图片和 Micheal Han


Thursday, March 16, 2023



The first issue of the Manchu Newsletter was published in 2009. see below.

Long Winters Night (Part 1) 

The Ulan Story 

By: Fan Yun Tsing 

I had grown up on the southern banks of the Heilongjiang River, it was not a village I grew up it but the ger. Many of the men in our group had fought many battles for the empire as I too hoped to do. My father had spent years fighting in the Turkmen region and Tibet and my mother was always very sad. When I was in my sixteenth winter of breathing an emissary came from Peking to tell our tribe that our soldiers fell in battle and that the empire was in need of the sons. We young men gathered and gathered the men from surrounding tribes. The emissary told us to meet in two weeks time in Haryan were we would be added to our banners. 

I and my friends were excited because we could now be called warrior and soon heroes to our people. Within a week we had gathered a full turmen of brother and off to Haryan we rode. All of us were ready and we dreamed of the glory awaiting us. We rode our horse two days without rest because of our great excitement and then on our fifth day of travel we reached Haryan. It was a lonely place in the middle of the vast barren wastelands and upon the walls waved only one flag of deep blue silk. Then we understood that we were being place with the greatest warrior of all the Blue Banners, fear and held in awe by all under the Manchu‟s banners. But our surprise was yet to come. The Blue Banner was controlled by seven great generals of the Khitan people. 

When we entered the fortress of Haryan we were greeted by one of the general, a man of grand stature, whom wielded a booming voice like a spring thunder. His name we would later learn was Kwu Khai Yongur the second highest general in the Blue Banner. He told us to dismount and to wash up then to move our thing, what few we had to the barracks and to get some rest for the next day we would be assigned to our groups. 

That night many of us could not sleep as we watch the veterans move back and forth. Also that night we witnessed the grandest sight. Nearing the hour of the tiger the fortress gates opened and let enter 20 riders dressed in black. When they entered everything had gone silent in Haryan, it was like everything was frozen and moving in slow motions. 

The next morning we were lined up and told which corp we were being placed in, I was the last to be chosen. Most had gone to light cavalry. The officer told me I had been chosen for the Dakhar and that I and them were leaving tonight for the Yanyu (Sayan) Mountains. Thus I would become more than a Warrior I was going to become the demon wolf of the Manchu people. A black robed rider. 

(To be continued) 

Manchu in Hong Kong (Part 1) 

By: Scarlette Sheung 

I have always been looking for people who I can share my feelings about Manchuria with. I know I found the right people to talk to when I met Dino, Yuri and Linda on facebook via a Manchurian group. We are all Manchurians, although we live in different parts of the world, we are united through a common goal – the four of us (I am sure more will follow) care about our brothers and sisters who are living under the Chinese Communist rule, in very poor environments and in some cases, as second class citizens. 

I was born in Hong Kong, where I had my early elementary education before moving on to a boarding school in the United Kingdom. While I was in Hong Kong (I still return home for my school holidays, my family‟s based there), I live among those who despise and undermine the Manchurian people. I attended history classes that taught distorted history where Manchurians are described as "Barbarians" or in some cases "Dogs" and the Manchu Qing dynasty did nothing but harm to the overall development of China. TV series often portray Manchus as the „ultimate baddies‟, and Manchus are often referred as "Mun Kao" meaning "Manchu Dogs" or "Qing Kao" meaning "Qing Dogs". 

Then a question sprang up to my mind – "Why the Manchurians are always the baddies?" 

When I asked this question about 12 years ago, I didn‟t know I was indeed a White Banner Manchu until my parents told me, "We are Manchurians, descendents of the White Banner. History is history and let‟s not bother about it, the TV is making Manchurian the baddies because it adds more interest to it. But we are living in Hong Kong and we are „Hongkongers‟, let‟s not worry about this Manchu issue so much." 

Then the question became – "Why are we always portrayed as the baddies?" 

I didn‟t really try to find a resolution to this question until I reached 12 when the Hong Kong curriculum said I had to do a subject called „Chinese History‟. I read the chapters about Manchurians out of interest and what I read was disturbing, my first thought was – oh god this book is so biased! I then tried researching on my spare time and found some other materials online. I spent some time reading them as a hobby. I tried to engage my dad into a meaningful discussion about our Manchu identity but he kept on saying "Let‟s no worry about it! Get on with life and spend your time wisely on school work!" Obliviously this failed and I continued my own spare time activity. 

Then the real time came when the Tibet issue was widely spread in the news early 2008, months before the Peking Olympics. What I saw at that time was Tibetans being treated like second class citizens on their own land where the Han Chinese had annexed into. I was outraged; I feel shame for being "Chinese"  (I am classified as Chinese in school). Then I looked at materials about life in Manchuria. 

In the Beginning (Khitan Legend) 


Translated by: Kavajecz Yurhak 

In the beginning all were called people and this is how our people came to be. Near the waters of the god Baigal live the Nui (Wolf) people and their chief was the strongest wolf named Balsul. Over the years Balsul had led his great people against the other people of the Bear and Fox. But even a great warrior tires and becomes lonely. Then in the year of the red moon Balsul entered the great Taiga seeking solace when he met a radiant young woman. When their eyes met they fell in love but they also knew the painful truth that they could never be joined in their current forms. For Balsul was nothing more than a wolf and this beautiful woman was the daughter of the great Baigal. 

They would meet during the dark moon deep inside the Taiga were they knew that only the god Taiga would hear. You see Taiga is the god of secrets. But as time went on the two grew deeper and deeper into love. Until one day Balsul could stand it no longer and went to the shore of Baigal‟s waters. There for three days and three night Balsul begged for Baigal‟s daughter. 

On the third night Baigal appeared to Balsul and said this, "what would you do for my daughter, what will you give?" Balsul returned, "my life and my people." Baigal replied, "in two moons time go to the peak of Atai there we shall speak once more." 

Later in that day Baigal approached his daughter, "my flower do you truly love Balsul the wolf?" "I do father and would give anything to be united with him." She cried. "You would give up your godhood?" Baigal asks. "Yes and with no regret. How can I live if the one I love would die?" "My daughter in two moon go to Ulgens home on the peak of Atai." 

Upon the second moon both the daughter and Balsul reached the peak of Atai were the gods Ulgen, Umai, Erlik, Baigal, and Taiga were gathered. Baigal takes his daughter in hand and kisses her upon the cheek then turns to Balsul and says, "she is yours treat her right for should you harm her Ulgen with his arrows shall strike you down, Umai will never allow your rebirth and Erlik will damn you in the underworld." "Yes I will." Balsul humbly states. At that the gods disappear and the daughter is left with her husband. 

As in the ways of this marriage between gods and mortal as the moons passes its first night the change to join is to happen. But in this case it happened not for the next morning the daughter was a beautiful human woman but Balsul was still a wolf. The now daughter of Balsul ran crying to her father‟s holy water were her tears became our Holy River. Her sorrows would be heard by Grandfather Raven. Grandfather Raven is the god of shape-shifter but he would not take action yet for now was not yet the time. 

Part 2 will be printed in the next issue. 

The Northern Manchu 

By: Kavajecz Yhebira (Yuri) 

I remember growing up as a nomad between Chita and Irkutsk Russia. My family always spoke of the Manchu way and how we were from a great clan the Niuhuru (Wolf Clan). The stories my grandfather and uncles would tell would mesmerize me and keep me in awe. Many days while riding with the herds I would imagine myself as one of these long lost warrior. But there was a story my grandfather told that would frighten me. The story was about a Shaman who had been killed by himself, not suicide but who was two person and one rising his bow and firing. The arrow not seen until it impacted and killed. I was afraid but I always comforted myself by knowing my grandfather was a very powerful Shaman. But every time my grandfather would tell the story he would add in more detail of how the Shaman of his story was tattooed and what types of tattoos he bore. Grandfather also explained how these types of Shamans were the Emperor‟s Shamans and warrior. They were black Shamans follows of the Underworld god Erlik Khan. 

Then on night my dreams worked and I was taken back to a older time. There was dance and music. The camps were overjoyed with the spring and the babies of livestock being born. As I walked in this dream I found a raven feather in the path in which I was walking, so many colors and so beautiful. I bent to pick it up and as my fingers touched the feather a man appeared before me with his body tattooed and to me he said only one word, "Dakhar." When I woke I found my grandfather standing over me and my grandmother putting cold wet towel on my forehead. I tried to speak but my voice was gone but my grandfather nodded to me telling me he knew. One of my uncle was making Shang (Ginseng) tea and gave it to me to drink. Again I fell into the world of dreams, where I was riding alone across the steppes. As the sun reached its zenith I looked to my right to see another rider dressed like me. He raised his bow a fired. I saw no arrow but I felt in enter and fell from my horse. The rider approached and then I seen my face. I killed myself, when I died I woke up and I understood my grandfather‟s story. To live I must died and be reborn. My grandfather then whispered to me, "rest boy for you are the last of the Dakhar. You will be alone, but will hold our people spirit in your hands." My grandfather would die two years later. This Newsletter and the work I do is in his honor. May he be drinking with the gods. 

Manchu Words 

Gurun = country 

Gisun= language 

Bithe = script 

Mangga = difficult 

Niyalma = person 

Inu = also 

Gemu = all 

Ulhimbi = understand 

Sarku = not know 

Gisurenbi = speak 

Dahame = because 

Special Thanks to Fan Yun Tsing, Scarlette Sheung and my cousin Yurhak for their articles. Also a great thanks to Kwu Khai Jinlong (Dino) for the pictures and Micheal Han. 

Beautiful Manchuria 

《满洲通讯》第一期 (2009)

  注: 《满洲通讯》 编辑是位懂得俄语和英语的满人,   原文英文(包括翻译文章), 现在 通过GOOGLE 粗浅 翻译, 将在未来加以改正。     《满洲通讯》第一期于 2009 年出版。见下文。 漫长的冬夜(第 1 部分) 乌兰故事 作者:范云青   ...